Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday dear Kiersten
Happy Birthday to you!

Alyssa and Christi at Players Bar

Me and Kiers spending some time with Bristol and Karen
Two high school friends of ours.

Lyssa, Karnitz, and Christi getting a little tipsy!

Jess, Monkey, and Sara

Jess and Sara...awwww

Kiers, Sara, and Jess...WAY drunk now! =)

Lynn and Monkey

Monkey and L-Train

Rachel and Monkey

Monkey smoking a stogie!

Group at the table

Rachel and Cooney with Kiers!

Pegger and Rachel

Once Kiers turned 21, we went to the Frat Bar downtown Oshkosh.
YoYo and Monkey dancing on the bar!

Christi and Monkey with the birthday girl at The Frat Bar

Me kissing Monkey

Monkey with Katie, just before calling it a night.

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