The tiny little blue people of the 80's. They lived in a village, about the size of my hand..three apples high to be exact, and it was hardly discovered by anyone except for by their enemy Gargamel. Even if someone had discovered them, they would erase the finding from their memory using smurf magic.
They never get any older. The baby will always be a baby, Papa Smurf will always be, well old, and Smurfette...nobody ever knows. It's not polite to ask a lady her age he he.
And the smurfs are......
Papa Smurf was the ringleader of the smurfs and the only smurf who wears red by the way. He is wise, and is always looked to for advise.
Smurfette is the only ADULT femail smurf in the bunch. She was originally created by Gargamel to lure the other smurfs, but her true good nature shined through and she was accepted by the other Smurfs into the village.
Brainy Smurf is basically Papa Smurf's second hand man. Always at his side.
Vanity Smurf is the "flamer" of the group. He always wants to look good..but has an intense crush on Smurfette.
Jokey Smurf is a particulary generous smurf, always giving gifts to the other smurfs. (exploding ones none the less)
Grouchy Smurf is never in a good mood. He is always the first one to find faults in all the other smurfs. A true pessimist at heart.
Bakers Smurf does what his name says..bakes. He always makes delicious deserts for the smurfs. But don't steal his deserts, or eat out of turn or you'll risk angering this smurf.
Handy Smurf is the perfect smurf to have around. He has become an expert in building houses out of mushrooms. Or any other necessities that the smurfs may need.
Sassette Smurf is the second lady in the bunch. Contrary to popular belief there were actually TWO ladies. Although a bit of a tomboy, and a bit younger than Smurfette..I'm sure the two of them stuck together. Afterall, what girl can do without a best friend and fellow lady.
Harmony Smurf plays his horn, announcing things to the village. However, his performance ability is somewhat lacking and often annoys the other smurfs.
Baby Smurf was delivered to the village by a stork (Smurf's don't have reproductive organs remember ;) )
Astro Smurf is somehow from outspace. He wears his helmet EVERYWHERE to distinguish himself from the other smurfs.
The Bad Guys!!!
Gargamel is obsessed with capturing the Smurfs. We never really learn what his obsession is, but every episode he unsuccesfully tryies to get them.
Azreal is Gargamel's cat who was obviously taught to love Smurf's as well. Every episode he can be seen chasing the smurfs around the little mushroom village.