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Welcome to the ALL ABOUT ME page. Many of the questions/answers that are found on this page are taken directly from random internet quizes, questions from friends, ect. Other's were taken directly from the "All About Me" book. At the bottom of all my info. you'll find links to other pages that will give you the in depth world of Christi =)
Full Name: Christi Nichole Anderson
Birthplace: Burlington, Wisconsin
Current Residence: Chicago,Illinois
Age: FINALLY 21 and LOVING every second of it
Family Status: Mom (Carol) 39, Dad (Mike) 38, little bro (Mikey) 17, 2 pugs (Cooper and Farley) 2 and 3, 2 stupid cats (Todd and Margo...thanks for the names Kiers)
Nicknames: Chris, Crispy, Bubbles, Barbie, Blondie, Cyble, Stupid Pom-Pom girl
Education: Currently I'm at the International Academy of Design and Technology studying Fashion Merchandising. Previously I attended the University of Wisconsin-FondDuLac and studied Business Management and then before that I was at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities studying Business as well. Yeah...I've been around.
Boxers or Briefs: Victorias Secret Boy Shorts...mmmhhmm!
Ever Been Skinny Dipping: Unfortunately this question comes with a very humiliating answer so for now I'll just say that I plead the 5th! :)
One Pillow or two: FOUR!
Pets: 2 pigs (pugs), 2 cats
Dream Car: I know it sounds nerdy but I got my dream car as a high school graduation present. My 2000 VW Cabrio which I wanted for like 6 years!! I don't know much about cars so I wouldn't be able to say what type of car I would want besides this one.
First Car: 1994 Ford Explorer...the Blue Streak...but now my bro. drives it and he trashed it!
Word/Phraze you overuse: EWW :)...and thanks to the oh so generous people in my life for pointing out another one that I overuse...."blah blah"
Tattoos/piercings: Butterfly Tattoo on my lower hip, 6 holes in my ear (but I NEVER wear earings), one scar on my eyebrow where I used to have a ring, my belly ring and my newest addition, my nose ring. Soon to be: "Vade Mecum" on my foot and the Taurus symbol on my lower back.
Best Feeling in the world: When you finally wake up and realize that you no longer long for that person that has kept you up crying at night and longing for them to hold you. When the pain is gone and you can finally smile and say with all honesty..."everything is going to be alright"
Worst Feeling in the world: Dissapointing your loved ones.
Future Son/Daughter Name: Well...I'm going to have one boy first and his name is unknown. But then I'm going to have twins (boy and girl) and they're going to be named Jesse (boy) and Jordan (girl) :) But I really like Rhyne for a girl too sooooo whatever.
What do you wear to bed: Wouldn't YOU like to know!
Quirks: I don't eat the butt of my food, or drink the last sip of my drinks. I peel the cheeze off of my pizza
What color are your kitchen plates: Um...some are light blue and some are white with ugly flowers on them.
What book are you reading right now: "Getting There" by Michael Roads.
What's on your mouse pad? I have one of those optical mice (that sounds so dumb. I REALLY only think that whole name change thing applys to the animal but whatever)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yeah my Monkey =) And Chucky sleeps on there too.
Mother's Full Name: Carol Marie Anderson
Date of Birth: 10-16-03
Father's Full Name:Michael John Anderson
Date of Birth: 10-15-04
Mother's Maiden Name: Kurpiel
Siblings's Names: Michael William Anderson
Names of Maternal Grandparents: Angeline (Bubby) and John (Guppy)
Names of Paternal Grandparents: Areta and Barney
Mother's Family comes from: Poland
Father's Family comes from: Ireland, Norway, Sweden and Germany
Famous or notable relative or ancestor: General Robert E. Lee of the Union Army.
Drink: yes! and ALWAYS Corona!
Favorite Color: I'm starting to like pink a lot...god shoot me!
Favorite Movie: Spaceballs...but I'm a HUGE movie buff. I love a lot of movies!
A color you like to wear: blue
Favorite TV Show: I love the 80's and Pop Up Video...gotta love VH1!!!
Magazine: Cosmo and Erin got me hooked on US Weekley
Some more favorites: Yummy, smelly anything...my nose is my distraction :), Corona, Cheeseless Pizza, Dancing, Camping, Eating....lots of stuff makes me happy :)
Least favorite smell: My brothers nasty ass farts or sour milk doesn't really smell to pleasant either.
Regardless of the size or circumstance, an animal you would like to own as a pet: I think a penguin. I could watch them swim and play for hours!
A flower you would like to grow in your garden: Purple Roses
A taste that makes you melt: Fresh, juicy strawberries..mmmmmmm
A hobby that accupies your time: this stupid webpage but I collect keychains too..that doesn't occupy much time though.
A sport you enjoy watching: Hockey
A sport you enjoy playing: Volleyball
A city you like to visit: Wisconsin Dells
Favorite Meal: Olive Garden's Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks Meal.
A delicious desert: dipped strawberries
A game you like to play: Chutes and Ladders or Twister
Music you prefer to listen to when you are alone: Techno, so I can dance around in my underwear =)
The singer or band you currently listen to the most: Rascal Flatts
The film you could watch over and over: Bring it on. I'm all about the Teeny Bopper Movies.
A director you admire: Stanley Kubrick
A monument you would like to have a view of from your bedroom: Niagra Falls
Your favorite time of day: Dusk or early morning
Your favorite place to sit at home: on my chair, in front of my computer.
What you most like to do on Sunday: Sleep, play on my computer...I'm a bum these days.
Motto: Smile, even through your tears.
You live in a: One bedroom apartment about the size of a small closet in downtown Chicago.
Approximate number of hours you spend working each week: About 24. I work on the weekends for about 8-10 hours a day.
Clogne or purfume you wear: Okay here we go.....CK1, Ralph, Lucky, Aqua Di Gio, Candies, Glamorous, Romance, GAP White, Very Sexy, and Je Adore.
Something important on your desk: My computer. I'm not sure that i could live without it.
On your wall hangs: Mmmmm my "Kiss" poster
Under your bed or in your closet you hide: I'm actually not really the type to throw things in the closet or under the bed to get rid of them.
Something important on your night table: A picture of my girls
If you had a safe, you would keep: probably nothing. I'm an overly trusting person.
Things you like to buy: food, clothes, jackets...I actually have a HUGE jacket fetish, apartment stuff.
Your strangest posession: People think my "sand box" is pretty strange. It's a zen garden assholes! =)
Your most expensive posession: That I actually pay for...my hair
Your prized posession: my hair =)
If your house were burning and you only had time to rescue three things, they would be:
1.) My purse and all it's contents inside
2.) My photo albums (I'd throw them in a bag so they can count as one item)
3.) My bear from Bubby
If you could afford it at this moment, you would buy: The fuzzy white rug that I've been DYING to buy for my apartment.
You collect: Keychains
You don't have a lot of: socks..seriously. I think I own like 2 pairs it seems. I HATE wearing them, not to mention I'm ALWAYS running out of them.
Something forbidden that you have done that might even surprise your friends: I'm an angel ;)
Age people should not marry before: I don't really have a set age. If they feel they are in love and responsible enough to handle such a decision, then more power to them. I wish it were taken more seriously but hey, who am I to judge.
Age people should not have children before: I don't know. I just think it would be easier to have a child at 18. Before that there is so much you can't do. You're not even considered an adult.
First time you had sex you were what age: 17. I made a promise to my dad that I would wait until that age and I did.
Something you have stolen that was not worth the risk: I stole a stupid tube of lipstick once. Duh Christi it was like 75 cents.
One person you have killed in your thoughts: nobody. I can't imagine ever wishing that upon someone. Nobody how much you hate them.
One person you might kill if you knew the law would protect you: See above
One thing in this world you are addicted to: Fast food
A drug or alcoholic beverage you take on a regular basis: Corona
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: cigarettes or exstacy hehe.
Drugs you have tried in the past: Mushrooms, Exstacy
A Drug you would never try: Acid. I'm not saying that people who do it are bad, but I just don't think I could handle having NO control over my body or thoughts.
A drug you would never try again: I've had pretty decent experiences with all of the ones I've tried. So I can't say that I wouldn't do any of them again.
Is hitting a child an appropriate form of discipline: Absolutely not. There are other ways out there to get a child to respect you then physical abuse. I was never ever hit as a child and I still have a great appreciation for my parents and listened to them (most of the time).
As an adult, you have hit a woman? No..but I thought about it a couple times.
Hit a man? Nope..see above.
Been arrested? I was chased by cops in 8th grade for toilet papering a park and destroying the bathroom. They didn't catch us though =)
Ever gone through someone's diary or personal belongings without permission? Sadly yes.
What was the reason: Curiosity
What did you discover: That emotions were a lot stronger than she pretended they were.
What would your reaction be if your partner cheated on you? I've learned a lot from the past. Now it would be fuck you. You obviously don't respect me enough.
You have cheated: I don't consider what I did cheating. Things were obviously over.
A time you purposely hurt someone emotionally: I hit a low once Nat and I broke up and I wanted her to feel pain like me. I hated the idea that she was happy and I was miserable. I wanted her to be miserable like me. I regret that more than anything in my life. That was so wrong of me.
Have you apologized: A million times.
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: same situation. I did it unintentially, but deep down I realized I wanted her to read it.
Did you apologize: A million times.
You owe someone money but have stalled in paying it back: I don't think so?? If I do I'm not aware of it. Let me know if I do hehe
Do you believe in God?: I think so? I have trouble believing in the unknown. I'm that girl that needs proof. But I really like to think that there is some higher force guiding us and watching over us all.
Describe God: I've been brought up to believe that he is this all-mighty loving creature that lives in heaven with his son Jesus and he created everything that exists on earth in seven days. We are to obey his laws for us and if we do, we get to go to heaven and live happily forever with him. I tend to be a bit skeptical of a God that would allow such hatred between men and that would drown out his people because of their "sins". Maybe he's there, just not playing an active roll.
What religion were you raised with?: Catholic
Do you practice this religion?: Not really so much anymore. I've been getting really into Zen Budhism. I wouldn't call myself a Budhist yet, but it makes more sense to me to believe in the spiritual nature of things, and their connection with each other as opposed to their connection with a higher being.
The last time you were in a house of worship: Beginning of July. I was my brother's confirmation sponsor, which actually now seems kind of hypocrytical to me considering I am questioning the catholic religion in the first place.
Death is: The single most feared thing in my life.
How you picture the end of the world: Our own stupidity and hatred causing mass destruction, death, and eventually the end of the world.
God has spoken to you: not that I've heard
Do you feel that most wars started because of religious conflicts?: yes
Does life exist on other planets?: Maybe not in this galaxy but I can't comprehend that in an infinite amount of space we are the only living creatures that exist.
Have they made contact with us: No I don't believe so
Do you believe we are descendants of Adam and Eve?: I perceive Adam and Eve as a metaphore. I don't literally believe that there was boom one boy one girl on the planet one day and they created life because a.) that would make us all related and b.) I believe in evolution. I believe the metaphore of Adam and Eve relates to that initial spark in the universe that created the first minute form of life. From there, we evolved to be who we are today.
Do you believe in Evolution: Yes
Do you believe in astrology?: Not religiously. It's interesting to me to read about how the different rotations of the planets and postions of the stars can effect how a person behaves. I wouldn't say that I live my life by my horoscope though.
Do you read your horoscope: yeah, I like to pretend it's possible to have the stars determine my destiny.
Have you ever been treated by a psychotherapist: no but I REALLY want to be. I think I have a lot of issues that I don't share with anyone.
Do you believe in reincarnation?: I like to belive that we don't just get once chance in life. That we get to keep coming back to make our lives better and better each time.
The right to have an abortion: pro
The right to own guns: pro...although after watching "Bowling for Columbine" I strongly question this belief.
The welfare system: pro
The death penalty: con
Rights and services for illegal immigrants: con
Legalization of drugs: Mirajuana yes...others no.
Equal rights for homosexuals: pro
The practice of premarital sex: pro
What issue concerns you the most: Rights for homosexuals. It hits close to home and it's absolutely rediculous to me that people are discriminated because of who they chose to love. What the fuck do people care who someone chooses to let into their hearts. What business is that of anyone's but the two involved. It's love. Plain and simple! If someone doesn't like it, don't watch. You don't have to sit and stare at them walking down the street if it makes you uncomfortable for whatever god forsaken reason! It's pure ignorance and it pisses me off. And don't anyone dare bring religion into it. Not everyone in the world believe what the straight edge fucking catholics believe. God is a loving god. He accepts all. It's YOU ignorant assholes that don't. Not God. Okay, enough of that rant =)
On behalf of this issue you have: Done nothing. But I think with that tangent above I realized it affects me more than I thought. Maybe I should start trying to do something about it.
The first step towards resolving poverty: Start getting the welfare system to protect who it was intended to protect. And quite allowing lazy mother's who just don't feel like working to live off of their checks every month.
The first step toward resolving racism: Education. The majority of racial education comes from the media. And it is because of this that the negative connotations still exist.
The environmental issue that concerns you the most: Air polution. Living in a big city it concerns me a lot.
Do you believe that a person is definaed by what he or she does for a living: yes. In today's society there are rolls that we are all fit into. Obviously there are exceptions to this.
Three things you like about your mother:
1.) She's very generous
2.) She's a blast to hang out with
3.) She takes care of me when I'm sick
Three things you like about your father:
1.) He gives GREAT advice
2.) He makes me laugh
3.) He's not judgemental
Character or physical traits you inherited from your mother:
* I worry about people (spaz-like)
* I baby people when they are sick
* I have champaigne taste
* I'm tall
Three things you dislike about your mother:
* She's quick to judge
* She's a neat-freak!
* I hate when she's crabby...WATCH OUT =)
Three things you dislike about your father:
* I feel like his expectations for me are too high sometimes.
* He's very hyper..gets in the way on family vacations hehe.
* He's obsessed with the Godfather! I'm sick of watching it =)
Character or physical traits you inherited from your father:
* I have the Anderson mouth
* His horrible eye site
* His hyperness
The most common issue you and your parents have argued about: My friends, and who I choose to hang around with.
The most beautiful childhood memory of your parents: Every year when I was little, my parents, my brother, and I would always meet up with my Aunts and Uncles and Cousins and watch the firewords on July 3rd at the summerfest grounds. One year, it started to down-pour and as everyone else quickly got up to run towards their cars, we all deciced to sit out in the rain with a blanket over our heads and sang songs and talked. Way nerdy but a really cute memory to look back on.
The most horrifying childhood memory of your parents: Walking in on them having sex like 5 times hehe.
If you didn't know your parents, you would choose these two people as your mother and your father: Mr and Mrs. Schiestle (Dave's mom and step dad. I love them =) )
Do you think you said "I love you" enough to your mother? Yes. As a child I remember having to say it like 10 times as I went to bed. I always felt like it was never enough. If I didn't say it one more time, what would happen if I died, or she died and never got to hear it that last time!
Do you think you said "I love you" enough to your father? Honestly no. I never had the same inclination to say "I love you" that much to dad. I try to say it a lot more now. After losing someone close to you, you get a sense for your own mortality and how important it is to let those around you know how appreciated they are.
Has your mother told you that she loves you enough? yes. There is never any doubt in my mind
Has your father told you that he loves you enough? Same as above
Your mother often said: "I love you"
Your father often said: "Some cereal, it's supposed to be good for you"
Whom do you resemble physically? I hear both
Something your parents did that you have never forgiven: The entire Nat situation.
What would it take for you to forgive them? Have them sit down and talk to me, and truly see my side
You and your siblings share in common: Both of us have our mother's height and the "Anderson humor".
A trait you do not share with your siblings: Mikey is a jock, I am most definately not.
Your favorite relative is: My dad's identical twin David. He's JUST like my dad, obviously. He reminds me of Chris Farley. Every time I'm with him I laugh my ass off non stop. Hanging out with him and my dad together is one of the most cherrished times of my life.
If you were not related to your family members, you would still choose these three as your friends:
1.) David
2.) Linda (mom's sister)
3.) Glenn (mom's brother)
Something you wish for your mother: The strength to truly get through the death of her mother. I don't want her to be sad anymore or feel guilty for what happened.
Something you wish for your father: Health. I wish he would quit smoking!
Three traits you look for in a friend:
* a unique personality
* someone who can make me laugh
* loyalty
The friend you have known for the longest amount of time: Kelly Porter. 16 years.
Is this person a close friend? Not really anymore. We were BEST friends in Kindergarden then she moved to NY. We still write Christmas cards to each other every year but that's about it. We're pretty much just pen-pals now.
The friend you miss the most: Erika Schulz. We had a falling out Junior year and I've missed her ever since.
A friend who makes you laugh often: Erin Leffelman, Kiersten Karlsen, Natasha Angus, Adrienne, Monkey, my dad.........I choose to hang out with people that make me laugh. Pretty much everyone I hang out with is funny to me.
When was the last time you saw this friend: Sophmore year just before she moved away. But she called Schiller's cell phone in October when she was at my house so that was weird =)
When do you think you will see this friend again? Probably never
A friend who makes you laugh often: Erin
A friend to whom you can tell anything: I don't think I've really found that person. I have different friends that I go to for different things.
A friend to whom you can go for advice: Kiers
The best advice this friend gave you: "Don't fight it"
A friend you can have adventures with: Erin, and me and Katie D. have had some pretty memorable ones too.
The best adventure you had with this friend: Erin (every day)..Katie D. (Summer 1998 mmhhmmm)
A friend you can flirt with: Brian Gerke
A friend you should not flirt with as much as you do: Erin haha
A friend you would like to kiss: Mark Langowski
A friend you should not have kissed: Kevin =)
A friend you may lose soon: Katie Daniel. She just doesn't seem to care anymore.
A friend who does or believes in something you cannot respect: Nat =(
I won't say what, but I miss the girl before it did become important. I still love ya though.
A friend with whom you would like to be closer: I miss Katie D. a lot.
A friend who has betrayed you: Erika
A friend you would name as godparent of your child: Kiers or Erin...I'd piss one or the other off so I'd probably have to name them both hehe.
Your two closest friends: Kiers and Erin
One trait you admire in each of them: Kiers: she's insightful. Erin: she's blunt as hell!
One trait you wish each of them could change: Kiers: her dependancy problem. Erin: Her bluntness hurts sometimes.
Your mother is your friend: yes...the best.
Your father is your friend: I think he's more of a mentor. I look up to him a lot. More than anyone I know.
Your best friend as a child: Elizabeth and Jessie. I miss them a lot. Jessie, RIP.
Your best friend as a teenager: Katie D
Your worst enemy as a teenager: Janice Roth. I never talked to the girl ONCE in my life but Dave broke up with her for me so she held a forever grudge. I actually think she still does to this day. Go figure haha.
Your best friend as an adult: My girls. Even though I don't see them all the time, nothing will ever compare to the friendship I have shared with them.
Are you able to forgive your enemies: For sure. I hate holding grudges.
The friend who is most like you: Erin. We're so different, yet so alike.
The friend who is most unlike you: Nat and Adrienne
The friend who uses most of your energy: All of them. I don't hang out with boring people hehe.
A friend you will see in hell: My sinful best friend Erin. Oh yeah, and all my gay boys and dykes ;)
Your three best qualities:
1.) Optomistic
2.) Friendly
3.) Independant
Your three worst qualities:
1.) Shy
2.) Procrastination
3.) Messy
Three words that describe how other's veiw you:
1.) Gullable
2.) Ditzy
3.) Kind
Three words you would use to describe your ideal self:
1.) Outgoing
2.) Funny
3.) Organized
Three things for which you are often complimented:
1.) My smile
2.) My optomism
3.) My body
Which of the three is most meaningful to you? That people appreciate my optomism.
A special compliment that made you blush: "I could get drunk on your happiness"
Who gave you this special compliment: Monkey of course
An insult that made you burn: "He didn't know what else to do with you, so he just got it on with you all the time"
What was your reacion to this insult? I pretended as if it didn't bother me, and it really didn't because I didn't care too much for him in the first place. It was just how blunt it was said, and the context that it was said in. As if the person that said it was such a better person than me, because she actually has a content filled relationship with him.
You are far better than most people you know at: NOTHING! I haven't found my talent yet =(
The animal that best describes you: Chue used to call me a graceful white swan. I like that one hehe.
You are embarrassed when others: are rude in public
Others are embarrased when you: dance in public..and not at a club..grocery stores, gas stations, malls, etc.
The greatest amount of physical pain you have ever endured: My kidnes stone that I got two years ago! If I ever have to go through that again, shoot me first. I don't want to live through it!
The greatest amount of emotional pain you have ever endured: Basically the entire first half of 2003
The moment you are most ashamed of: When my parents recieved my grades from UW-Fond Du Lac
The number of drinks that constitues your limit: hmmm..I'm not really sure. I've never really tried to figure it out. Probably 7 or 8 Coronas.
Your best physical feature: I like my "boy bones"
You have considered plastic surgery: HELLO! Can we say BOOBS!
Create a newspaper headline you would like to read about yourself: Hot newcomer creates a stir for Paris Fashion Week
You keep a diary: yes
You like to cook: no
You exercise regularly: I try
You sketch which you are on the phone: it's a total nervous habit. My mom once took away those permanent markers from me because she thought i was getting high with them where in reality I was just doodling while talking on the phone =)
You have read a book in the past month: yes
You replace the toilet-paper roll immediately: no
You like crossword puzzles: no
You have visited the Eiffel Tower: Only in Vegas
You have a secret you have never shared with anyone: I'm sure I do
You wait until the last minute to fill your car with gas: depends on how broke I am
You snore: not that I'm aware of
You have been to your ancestors' homeland: no
You read in the bathroom: on occasion
Being sick is a vacation: sometimes
You often have people over at your house: not these days...have you SEEN my apartment =)
You like America: I have no complaints
You can remember jokes: I used to think that I could until I was spontaneously forced to tell one and i couldn't think of one for the life of me!
You play cards: OMG I'm obsessed with Uker
You fold your underwear: If it's possible =)
You talk in your sleep: I do this grunting thing sometimes hehe
You eat fast: If I'm REALLY hungry
You recycle small batteries: I didn't even know you could
You often avoid paying full price: hahahahahah I'm the worlds worst shopper
You like hiking: yes
You like being on the phone: depends on who it's with
You shave regularly: yes
You set your watch a few minutes ahead: no that annoys me
You are always late: no..I'm a spaz about time. I'm usually the early one
You often get headaches: on occasion
You smoke: I quit!
A naked phot of you exists: hmmmm
You can whistle: yes
You write letters regularily: I'm really trying to get back into the whole snail mail thing
You believe in destiny: not so much
You brush your teeth three times a day: twice
You have something you wish to confess: If I did I don't think I'd do it right here
You change your bedsheets weekly: I would if I had money to do my laundry that much
You bit your fingernails: not so much anymore..they're really long now
You pick your nose: Only to play with my nose ring =) I pick Monkey's though hehe
You are a vegitarian: no
You have eaten in a restaurant alone: Burger King probably..not an actually sit down place though
You have gone to a movie alone: no
You have taken a vacation alone: no
You read the newspaper every day: no
You have not used a hair dryer in the past 5 years: yeah right! I live in the Midwest. If I go outside with wet hair, I'd be dead!
You have never used a personal computer: well now this question seems pretty rediculous considering I am typing out these answers.
You have made love in an airplane: negative
You have hit your father or mother in anger: I have never hit ANYONE in anger
When you think you have done something wrong, you are quick to apologize: yes
You lose control in heated arguments: my mouth does sometimes..I've been known to say some harsh things
In the morning when your alarm clock sounds, you get out of bed immediately: I have to, it's clear across the room
You drank mother's milk: mmmm not sure actually
You generally save letters and postcards: yes
You hate parties: no
You have stolen money from your parents: I never needed to
You have fired a gun: no
You often have the last word: no
Less is more: I wish
You give money to homeless people: I used to..but not anymore. Now I just get annoyed!
Money has influenced your character: no
You know who you are: I'm working on it
You enjoy being photographed: yes
Life treats you well: yes
Three favorite childhood toys or games:
* Barbies
* Chutes and Ladders
* Candy Land
Three words you use often when speaking:
* Um
* Ass
* anyways
Three sounds that disturb you:
* Cats or Dogs whining..it makes me so sad!
* The damn motorcycles that fly by my apartment at like 1:00 in the morning
Three lessons you have learned the hard way:
* You actually have to go to class in college to pass
* Once a cheater...always a cheater
* Follow your own path, not everyone elses
If you had the talent or opportunity, you would: write songs and perform them or be a professional dancer for SOMEONE or SOMETHING.
Something you wish you could learn with the snap of your fingers: How to let go and forget.
Something you wish you could change about your life: That my parents would be 100% accepting of the way things are in my life right now.
Something you wish you could change about yourself: I wish I could be more assertive, oh yeah and I'd LOVE bigger boobs.
Someone's diary you would love to read: Nat's. I have so many unanswered questions! Maybe I'd just like to pick her brain. Who knows =)
How you plan to spend the last years of your life: living on a ranch in the mountains and owning a bunch of horses and traveling.
How would you like to spend the last minutes of your life: laying in the arms of the one I love.
A dream you have had more than once: That my parents willingly invite my girlfriend of the time over for dinner, and they talk to her, and get to know her, and truly accept her.
The emotion you tend to hide the most: Sadness..except with certain people. With some I have no control..my walls break easily.
The emotion you seem to express the most: Joy/Happiness
The predominant emotion you have expressed lately: Expressed: happiness....Felt:Pain
A moment when you achieved absolute happiness: The day Nat told me she loved me
You have a great amount of guilt regarding: My first two years of college
You would feel envious right now if: there was someone else for her to love.
A piece of music that makes you sentimental: Wonderful World by Nat King Cole...reminds me of Prom
When you are happy, you need: Others to share in my joy
When you are sad, you need: my mom
When you are sentimental, you need: my pictures and good sappy music
When you are angry, you need: my journal
When you are in love, you need: That person
When you are lonley, you need: Erin..she always cheers me up
You would jump up and down and shout with joy right now if someone told you: I love you
The last time you were angry was when: Monkey and I fought ONLINE!
The last time you cried uncontrollably was when: I realized I no longer had hope
A moment in your life when your emotions froze and you felt absolutely nothing: I don't think that's ever happened...my emotions are pretty strong.
Someone who genuinely makes or has made you happy: Erin...any time I'm sad I can count on her to make me smile. I'm always happy if I'm with her.
Something that makes you happy: dancing, warm weather, the autumn, baby ducks crossing a busy road, seeing my family after being away for a while, Christmas, coloring, eating, the sound of the ocean, ice cold coronas, surprises, puppies and kittens, vacations, Velveta Shells and Cheese, Must See TV...okay I could keep going...but I won't =)
You get angry with yourself when you: Show weakness and patheticness
Someone or something that made you laugh this week: Nat's jealousy towards Monkey
Your earliest memory: sitting in my stoller on the beach in Florida, with my great grandma Busha (Polish for grandma) sitting next to me knitting. I was like 2.
When you were a child you believed: Every family had one boy, and one girl and we were going to get married some day.
Do you still believe this: Um, that's a big fat negative
Your first kiss: September 5, 1996 in the Burlington High School Small Gym. Dave Kmetz.
The first time you fell in love: September 12, 1996 in the Burlington High school Small Gym is when I first told Dave I loved him. I don't think I really truly meant it until about a month later though.
The last time you fell in love: June 2002 in the Eastbay parking lot. Natasha Angus. I'm not sure if it was the exact moment i realized it, but it's when I first said....or wrote it.
Describe your first paying job: babysitting. I was probably like 13 or something.
Describe your best paying job: Hawksview Golf Club. Two years ago.
The memory that still makes you laugh: When I cried for a week over my parents buying two pigs and using them for meat instead of keeping them as pets for me.
A person who is exceptionally kind to you: Monkey =)
A person who made you miserable for a long time: Nat...but that wasn't her fault. It was mine!
Your best birthday: 21!!!!! In VEGAS BABY
One of your most tragic memories: Recently actually when Bubby died. Ever since then I constantly think about death and how it's going to affect in the years to come with my mom and dad, and people around me. It's a constant thought in my mind now.
One of your most jealous moments: Seeing Dave and Erika making out at the Grand March at Prom my Sophmore Year.
The memory or story you tend to exaggerate when telling others: When I was in "Disney on Ice" =)
A smell that reminds you of your childhood: My mom's first perfume...musk something.
An object you still own or remember vividly from your childhood: My nani (blanket). I don't have it anymore, but I can still remember the way it felt, looked, smelled...everything.
A routine you remember from your childhood: When I lived in Milwaukee for a while both my parents had to work early in the morning so in first grade I would get up, get myself ready for school, watch Captain Kangaroo and when it was over I knew it was time to walk to school. I would walk to the corner where the crossing guard would walk me across the street...always the same guy (he became a good friend of mine hehe) then I'd walk to my friend Elizabeth's house and together we'd walk to school.
Your greatest fear: growing old by myself
Your most fearful moment: When this guy came on the subway, put his hands in his pockets and yelled, "alright everyone, it's showtime"...I thought I was going to die! Turned out he just had a game he wanted us all to play.
A crime or natural disaster you were a victim of: nothing really. I was in an earthquake when I was in Mexico. Does that count?
A sickness or disease you fear: anything that would cause me or my loved ones to suffer.
A reason for which you would seriously contemplate suicide: I don't think anything could make me do that. No matter how tough things get, I always try to remember that there are people out there who have it much worse than me.
Your greatest fear about aging: suffering
When people first meet you, you are afraid they will think: that I am a snob
A country you fear exploring: hmmm...I'm not really afraid of any country
Your greatest fear about marriage: that it'll never happen!
Your greatest fear about having children: will I be a good mother?
Something on your mind you are afraid to share: I really think I'm depressed
A plan or project you worry may fail: my career hopes
Your first name spelled backward is: itsirhc
Write your first and last name initials on the lines below:
First Initial:C Last Initial:A
Now quickly write five words that begin with each initial:
Cat Apple
Cold Art
Catch Arm
Calm Ask
Cobra Attack
Something that has been on your mind lately: my lack of money!
Something that has been on your mind for a long time: Will I ever get married?
A period of time in your life when you felt protected: When I lived at home with my parents
A period of time in your life when you felt overprotected: When I lived at home with my parents
A period of time in your life when you felt unprotected: here in Chicago
The first time you discovered power: When I was about 2 my mom tried to make me clean my room and she told me that if I didn't, she would throw away all of my toys. So I told her "good, I'll help you" and I continued to throw my own toys away. After that my mom knew that reversed psychology would not work on me!
Your most romantic experience: shower, candles, SEX, wax in my eye ;)
The largest age difference you have had in a relationship: 4 years
A person you have successfully pursued in a short amount of time: Brian Gerke. 1 day =)
A person you pursued over a long period of time: Dave Kmetz. 4 months
A person you unsuccessfully pursued over a long period of time: Mark Langowski. 5 years!
Something someone did that you found extremely attractive: Danced
Two things that are appealing about women:
*nurturing personalities
Two things that are not appealing about women:
* mind games
* bad higenie in nether regions hehe.
Two things that are appealing about men:
* The way they smell
* The security they offer
The things that are not appealing about men:
* They're non-nuturing personalities
* When they don't understand women
An intellectual ability that you find attractive: When a person can be philosophical. I think that's WAY hot!
You are irritated when people ask you: Burlington? As in Burlington Coat Factory?
You love it when people ask you: want to make out? hehe
Your longest grudge: Probably about a year
You truly belive it is possible to be with one person for the rest of your life: Yes. I'm a hopeless romantic.
You like surprises: love them!
Someone has thrown a surprise party for you: yes my mom and dad threw me one when I turned 5 =)
You have thrown a surprise party for someone: just recently...for Kiersten!
You regret that you never had a relationship with this person: Mark
A type of person you don't seem to get along with: Other "Barbie" girls
The furthest distance you would travel to be with someone you desire: Any
The first thing you think about when you get in the morning: Can it just be dark in here so that I can sleep past 8:00!!!
The physical feature for which you are most often complimented: My smile
A place where you have always wanted to make love: Golf Course
A special place on your body that, when kissed or touched, feels unbelievably good: My belly button
An unfulfilled sexual fantasy: being seduced
A fulfilled sexual fantasy: I dressed in a school girl outfit and put on a strip show to my song "Pour Some Sugar on Me"
The largest age difference between you and a sexual partner: 20 years ;)
If you could change anything about the world: I would put everyone on exstacy. Then we'd all be happy and in love!
If you had a plane ticket to anywhere in the world, you would visit: New Zealand
If you could live anywhere in the world, you would live in: Someplace warm and full of nature and beauty. Hawaii has a lot of that.
If you could visit any time period, you would choose: The 50's. I would really like to know what it was like to be around during the age of Marilyn Monroe and the Rat Pack.
If you could live in any time period, you would choose: the Roaring 20's
If you could ask God one question, it would be: "is it really so wrong to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Shouldn't life be about love, not about set standards?"
If you could magically change one thing about your physical appearance, it would be: Bigger Boobs
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